War Clause - Clause in a Bill of Lading or Charter-Party which sets out the course of action open to the master of a ship in the event that the ship or her cargo or crew would be put at risk because of war should the voyage proceed. The clause varies according to individual contracts but invariably the master would not be required to put his ship or crew at risk.
Waybill - See Liner Bill.
WEF - with effect from - This is said, for example, of the date when a new or amended surcharge of a shipping line takes effect.
WIBON - Whether in Berth or Not - Provision in a voyage charter that, once the ship has arrived at the port and tendered notice of readiness, if required, laytime will start to count in accordance with the Charter-Party whether or not the ship has reached the berth.
WIPON – Whether in port or not
WIFPON – Whether in free Pratique or not
Withdraw a ship from the service of the charterer (to) - To remove control of a ship from the time charterer for the remaining period of the charter. This action is taken by the shipowner in accordance with the charter when there has been serious breach of contract, commonly when the charterer has failed to pay hire money on time.
WOG - Without Guarantees.
Workable Hatch - Term in a voyage charter which determines the number of days allowed for loading and / or discharging 'by dividing the quantity of cargo in the largest hatch by the quantity per workable hatch per day as stipulated in the Charter-Party. Difficulties of interpretation may arise in the calculation of laytime allowed when expressed in this way, particularly if the ship has hatches capable of being worked by two gangs simultaneously. Also referred to as a working hatch.
Workable Crane - Term in a voyage charger which determines the number of days allowed for loading and / or discharging by the number of cranes available for use by the charterers for operations. Generally expressed in tons per workable crane per day.
Working Day - When normal working is carried out in a port.
Working Day of 24 Consecutive Hours - Working day equates to one layday. The word consecutive was introduced after it was ruled in court that a working day of 24 hours might be considered as more than one layday according to the length of normal working time each day in a port.
Working Day of 24 Hours - Period of time which contains 24 normal working hours. If it is the custom of a port that eight hours represents the normal working time per day. then a working day of 24 hours would be considered as three laydays.
WP - Weather Permitting - Term used in a voyage charter to signify that laytime does not count when weather conditions do not allow loading or discharging operations to be carried out.
WTS - Working Time Saved - Charter-Party term used to define one method by which despatch money is calculated, that is, by deducting laytime used from laytime allowed. If, for example, a Charter-Party provides for six laydays for loading and the charterer uses three days, he is entitled to three days' despatch money. Also referred to as laytime saved.
WWD - Weather Working Day - Days on which work is normally carried out at a pod arid which counts as laytime unless loading or discharging would have ceased because of bad weather.
WWR - When Where Ready - Frequently used provision in a time charter to determine the time and place of delivery / redelivery of a ship by the charterer to the shipowner. This term is qualified in such a way as to make the time and place unambiguous. such as on completion of discharge at a named port, abbreviated to w.w. r.c.d. followed by the name of the port.
WWRCD - When Where Ready on Completion of Discharge - see WWR - when where ready above.